Orthokeratology Testimonials


Dr. Abe is a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthokeratology & Myopia Control (formerly the Orthokeratology Academy of America), and has successfully attained the rank of F.I.A.O.M.C.

Myopia Diagram

Orthokeratology Video 1

Orthokeratology Video 2

TEDx Video: A Childhood Disease Worth Preventing

Ortho-K LogoThe Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Control is an organization of the leading body of orthokeratology (ortho-k) practitioners and academics in the United States, formed to support, promote and advance ortho-k and myopia management by providing quality education on the subject of ortho-k and myopia management to all its members.

Dr. Abe is proud to be part of the less than one percent of U.S. doctors who have achieved Fellowship in the Academy. Fellowship status in the IAOMC is determined by doctor experience and expertise and follows a rigorous case evaluation and testing procedure. Doctors who achieve Fellowship status are committed to adhering to the highest standards of care in this specialty.

Dr. Abe is proud to be one of only a few Certified WAVE Contact Lens designers in the Bay Area. Utilizing this advanced technology enables the creation of custom-designed lenses to address myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, keratoconus, and irregular corneas.

Orthokeratology, or “ortho-k,” is the non-surgical process of reshaping the front of the eye (cornea) with specially-designed oxygen permeable contact lenses. Ortho-k is one of several options our office offers for the management of myopic progression. By reshaping the cornea, ortho-k is designed to correct mild to moderate amounts of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Other names for ortho-k include CRT, corneal reshaping, and corneal refractive therapy, among others.

*Many controlled clinical studies have continued to show ortho-k to be effective in slowing or even halting the progression of juvenile onset or school myopia. If you have been told that myopia cannot be slowed down or halted from progressing, in our clinical experience myopia control is a reality.*

How ortho-k works

Ortho-k lenses are applied at bedtime and worn overnight. While you sleep, the lenses gently reshape the front surface of your eye to correct your vision, so you can see clearly without glasses or contact lenses when you’re awake. The effect is temporary – generally enough to get you through a day or two – so the reshaping lenses are used each night to maintain good vision during the day.

Who is a candidate for ortho-k?

Orthokeratology is frequently a good option for nearsighted children who are too young for LASIK surgery. Because it can be discontinued at any time without a permanent change to the eye, people of any age can utilize the procedure, as long as their eyes are healthy.

Ortho-k is particularly appealing for people who participate in sports, or who work in dusty, dirty environments that can make daytime contact lens wear difficult.

What results can you expect from ortho-k?

The goal for ortho-k is to improve your vision, often to 20/20, without eyeglasses or daytime contact lenses. In FDA trials of both CRT and VST lenses, more than 65% of patients were able to achieve 20/20 visual acuity after wearing the reshaping lenses overnight. More than 90% were able to see 20/40 or better (the legal vision requirement for driving without glasses in most states).

Success rates for ortho-k vary between individuals. Contact our office for a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for ortho-k.


In addition to specialty contact lenses, an alternative treatment with the potential to slow down or halt myopic progression is the use of atropine eye drops. Atropine has traditionally been used to dilate the eyes, but research has shown it to be an effective option for slowing myopic progression and may be a good option for those who do not wish to wear specialty contact lenses or may be too young to use lenses. Several studies have demonstrated atropine as an effective eye drop treatment and it may also be used in conjunction with specialty contact lenses with the potential to have an additive effect in slowing myopia progression.

Studies such as ATOM 1 and ATOM 2, as well as LAMP, have researched the viability of using low doses of atropine to slow down the progression of myopia. The results of the research have been promising, showing effectiveness using extremely low doses of the medication. In addition, research is currently in progress to help determine if low dose atropine can actually prevent or slow the onset of myopia in young children (ATOM 3).


Specially designed multifocal soft lenses are another option utilized for slowing the progression of myopia. These lenses are worn during the waking hours instead of overnight, and the lenses allow for clear vision during the waking hours. It has been shown that such specially designed multifocal lenses reduced myopia progression by as much as 59 percent, compared with the myopia progression demonstrated by children who wore conventional contact lenses.

More information on the above myopia management options may be seen in the links below:

Custom WAVE Contact Lenses
Why Myopia Progression Is A Concern
Paragon CRT
Myopia Care
Atropine information
Atropine for myopia prevention
MiSight Soft Contact Lens